How Accountability Supports Your Plan for Healthy Living

Picture this: Your day begins at 6:30 am. You’re tired but the day awaits so you drag yourself out of bed and get going. You make breakfast for the kids, pack their lunches, tell them a hundred times to get going so they’re not late for school, break up six fights, drive them to school […]
The Benefits of Cross Training

Cross training has risen to popularity in the last decade or so and with good reason. Cross training simply means to use a variety of different training methodologies, also known as mixing up your workouts. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of cross training, how it stacks up with other forms of exercise and […]
The Power of Group Workouts: How Group Fitness Keeps You Accountable

Some things are best done alone, and others are better in groups. Getting fit and reaching your fitness goals can fall into either of the above categories depending on who you are as a person and what your relationship with fitness and working out is like. There are some women, who’ve been working out for […]