Online Fitness Classes All the Rage Amid Covid-19 Concerns

As the world grinded to a halt amid the attempt to stop the spread of Covid-19, the fitness industry was hit particularly hard. People suddenly found themselves without their group classes, weight rooms and more. Meanwhile, fitness professionals scrambled to get solutions and online fitness classes in place to service clients; we became overnight experts […]
Finding Exercise Motivation and Working Out Consistently

You’re one workout away from a better mood (and a better YOU) You probably think that one of the number one questions I receive as a personal trainer is, “How can I lose weight quickly?” Nope, not even close – this one’s quite far down the list, and most of you know by now how […]
The Psychology of Exercise: Why Exercise is Really a Mind Game, and Strategies to Win

Exercise is such a mind game. People who workout regularly/workout hard/set goals and consistently work toward them, etc. have conquered the mind game of exercise. But what is it exactly that sets these people apart? How do you achieve mind over matter when your body is screaming that it wants to stop? Everyone that exercises […]
What Motivates You?

Recently, I asked my Facebook friends to share with me what motivates them in only one word. They answered with….. I find motivation to be really interesting. People typically begin exercising because they’ve come to some type of crossroads and decided to find the motivation to take the path that leads to better […]