Girls Empowerment Network

On Saturday, November 4, 2017, the Girls Empowerment Network will host the “We Are Girls” conference in Austin, TX. The theme is “Become Unstoppable” and will be held at Anderson High School. The keynote speakers are Lizzie Velasquez – Global Motivational Speaker, Anti-Bullying Activist, Social Media Personality and Author, and Denise Hamilton – CEO and Founder of and IOLA Interests.

Whitney Otstott of GirlPower Fitness will host a workshop titled “Finding the Courage to Chase your ‘Crazy’ Dreams”. During adolescence confidence levels drop and there’s a voice in your head telling you what you can’t do. In this workshop, we’ll identify your dreams and passions, examine what’s holding you back from accomplishing them and construct a plan to get you moving in the right direction.

The conference is for girls in 3rd through 8th grade and their caregivers. Register here!