How Accountability Supports Your Plan for Healthy Living

Picture this: Your day begins at 6:30 am. You’re tired but the day awaits so you drag yourself out of bed and get going. You make breakfast for the kids, pack their lunches, tell them a hundred times to get going so they’re not late for school, break up six fights, drive them to school […]
Online Health Coach Versus a Personal Trainer: What’s the Best Fit for You?
You’ve decided to invest in yourself and hire a fitness professional to help you be the best version of yourself. Good for you! There’s nothing more important than our health. But between an Online Health Coach and a Personal Trainer at a nearby gym, which option would be best for you and help you see […]
The Benefits of Working with a Personal Trainer

The thought of training with a personal trainer can be daunting. What if your trainer is like a drill sergeant and likes to yell and use tough love? Thankfully, unless you’ve signed up to a military-style boot camp, you’re probably not going to encounter personal trainers like this. Although a trainer probably won’t go soft […]
Personal Training or Group Fitness Classes: Which is Right for You?

If you’re ready to make some changes to your health or fitness regimen, you might be weighing the options of hiring a personal trainer or attending your gym’s group fitness classes. Which is right for you? Let’s look at the pros and cons of each: Money: Might as well get this one out of the […]
Hiring a Personal Trainer that’s a Good Fit for You
Hiring a personal trainer is a big decision. Not only are you entrusting this person with your fitness plan, but it needs to be a good personality fit, too. The relationship you have with your trainer is very important – do they encourage you? Motivate you? Make you feel accomplished? Here are some of the […]