Day 1:

  • Glute Bridge
  • Heel Slides
  • Squats
  • Band Pulls with Hands Down
  • Step Ups
  • Single Knee Overhead Press
  • Single Leg Deadlift
  • Bench Press

Day 2:

  • Glute Bridge Marches
  • Split Lunges
  • Band Pulls with Hands Down
  • Side Plank
  • Hover to Knees
  • Single Knee Lateral Raise
  • Lateral Step Up
  • Chest Flies


  • This workout is intended to help moms safely get stronger after the birth of their baby. There’s no set time-period for being post-natal so this is not a workout only for moms of infants and toddlers.
  • If you have not spoken with your doctor about Diastasis Recti, please do so or look up a video on YouTube for how to self-check for Diastasis Recti. To quickly summarize, our Rectus Abdominis muscles separate to make room for baby during pregnancy. It can take a while for these muscles to completely come back together and, in some rare cases, moms have a permanent gap. It’s important to safely strengthen your core and abdominals after baby because incorrectly training can actually worsen the condition. Activities to avoid include crunches/situps, planks (except for side planks) and twisting motions.
  • These workouts avoid all of these dangerous movements and includes core-strengthening exercises that are safe. However, everyone is different and it’s best to clear any workout with your doctor first and certainly speak to your doctor if anything feels like it isn’t healing correctly.
  • Aim for 15 reps of each exercise. You may do 1 or 2 sets of each exercise. Rest for approximately 45-60 seconds between exercises.

DAY 1:

Glute Bridge: Lying on your back with bent knees, walk your feet toward your hips and press your hips up while keeping your heels on the floor. Drop the hips back almost to the floor but not quite.

Heel Slides: Lying on your back with bent knees, slide each heel out until your leg is straight, focusing on pressing your core and lower back firmly into the mat.

Squats: With feet hip-width apart, sit back into the squat, transferring your weight to your heels. Keep shoulders lifted. Knees should track over toes.

Band Pulls with Hands Down: Standing with feet wide, shoulders back and abs pulled in, hold a band with palms facing down. Keeping your arms straight, pull the band apart as far as you can.

Step Ups: With your entire foot, step up onto higher surface, keeping shoulders back and abs pulled in. Hold knee at waist level for a couple of seconds before returning to starting position. Repeat other side. You can hold light weights in your hands.

Single Knee Overhead Press: Kneel on one leg with the other knee in front at a 90 degree angle. Align your bottom knee, hips and shoulders.  With the weight in the hand opposite the front knee, press the weight up with your palm facing forward.

Single Leg Deadlift: Holding a weight in one hand, tip forward lifting the leg on the same side as the weight. Your aim is to keep your back flat. Keep the supportive knee slightly bent and aim to maintain balance and control.

Bench Press: Lie on your back, ideally on an elevated surface. Knees are bent and feet are flat on the floor. Press your lower back firmly down so there’s no space between your back and the surface. Beginning with weights lifted and arms straight, lower the weights down to chest level, keeping wrists over elbows.


DAY 2:

Glute Bridge Marches: Lying on your back with bent knees, walk your feet toward your hips and press your hips up while keeping your heels on the floor. Lift each knee and focus on keeping the hips steady, not dropping as each foot is lifted.

Alternating Lunges: Hold weights in hands at hips. Begin with shoulders back and abs pulled in. Step back wide and drop the back knee down. Keep upper body straight and shoulders over hips.

Band Pulls with Hands Up: Standing with feet wide, shoulders back and abs pulled in, hold a band with palms facing up. Keeping your arms straight, pull the band apart as far as you can.

Modified Side Elbow Plank: From a side lying position with elbow under shoulder, bend both knees in. Lift the hips and reach the top arm up.

Hover to Knees: Hold one weight in your hands and begin in a seated position. Press up to a kneeling position using the hips and glutes to press the body up, while you lift the weight overhead. Return to starting position in a controlled manner.

Single Knee Lateral Raise: Kneel on one leg with the other knee in front at a 90 degree angle. Align your bottom knee, hips and shoulders.  With the weight in the hand opposite the front knee, lift a straight arm out to the side to shoulder level.

Lateral Step Ups: Standing alongside an elevated surface, step up laterally, keeping shoulders back and abs pulled in. Hold knee at waist level for a couple of seconds before returning to starting position. Repeat other side. You can hold light weights in your hands.

Chest Flies: Lie on your back, ideally on an elevated surface. Knees are bent and feet are flat on the floor. Press your lower back firmly down so there’s no space between your back and the surface. Beginning with weights lifted and palms facing each other, lower the weights out to the sides, keeping the arms slightly rounded.