DAY 1:
Jumping Jacks: Keep the knees slightly bent as you jump in and out with arms overhead.
Wall Sit: Press your back and shoulders against the wall and lower down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and knees are at 90 degree angles. Knees should be directly over ankles.
Step Ups: Step your entire foot onto an elevated surface and hop at the top. Keep shoulders back. Alternate each leg.
Pushups: Beginning in a flat position, place the hands on either side of the shoulders, pull belly to spine and press up in a straight line. Keep the hips in line with the body.
High Knees: Quickly run, bringing your knees up to waist level.
Plank: Hold a tall plank position with hands under shoulders, belly pulled to spine, and hips in line with your body.
Quick Feet to Jump: Quickly run the feet and spring up, reaching the hands up.
Squats: With feet hip-width apart, sit back into the squat, transferring your weight to your heels. Keep shoulders lifted. Knees should track over toes.
DAY 2:
Mountain Climbers: From a tall plank position with hands under shoulders, belly pulled to spine, and hips in line with your body, alternate knees as quickly as you can.
Situps: Lying back, come to a full sitting position with either hands behind head (don’t pull on your neck) or arms extended.
Squat Jumps: With feet wide and toes out, sit back into the squat, transferring your weight to your heels and spring upwards. Keep shoulders lifted.
Lateral Lunges: From a wide stance with shoulders back, bend one knee while keeping the other leg straight. Sit your hips back into the lunge so that the knee of the bent leg doesn’t extend past the toe.
Shuffles: Quickly shuffle back and forth, keeping the legs slightly bent.
Plank Shoulder Taps: Get into a tall plank position with hands under shoulders, belly pulled to spine, and hips in line with your body. Focusing on keeping hips still and not twisting side to side, touch each hand to opposite shoulder.
Skips: Quickly hop from one foot to the other while reaching the opposite arm up.
Triceps Dips: Sitting on the floor with bent knees and fingers facing toes, lift the hips. Bend both elbows and then return to straight.