DAY 1:
Lunge with Twist: Begin with hands at head and abs pulled in. Step back wide and drop the back knee down. Twist your upper body over the front knee. Step back in and switch to the other side.
Elbow Plank with Toe Taps: Get into an elbow plank position with shoulders over elbows, belly pulled to spine and hips in line with the body. Tap each toe side to side while keeping the hips still.
Pushups: Beginning in a flat position, place the hands on either side of the shoulders, pull belly to spine and press up in a straight line. Keep the hips in line with the body.
Swimming: Lying face down, extend arms out straight, lifting elbows and shoulders off the floor. Swim your arms up and down quickly. Keep your neck in neutral alignment by looking at the mat. Feet do not lift.
Situps with Knee Pulls: Begin by lying flat on your back with arms and legs extended. As you come up into a full situp, lift one leg. Lie back and repeat with other leg.
Russian Twist: From a seated position, balance on your tailbone and lift both feet. Twist your arms and upper body quickly side to side while keeping your heels up.
Tall Plank with Shoulder Taps: Get into a tall plank position with hands under shoulders, belly pulled to spine, and hips in line with your body. Focusing on keeping hips still and not twisting side to side, touch each hand to opposite shoulder.
DAY 2:
Get-Ups from Knee: Begin on knees. As you get up, your focus is on keeping your upper body upright, shoulders back, abs pulled in. Once you’re on your feet, maintain a slight squat. Do 8-12 right lead, then 8-12 left lead.
Stand Tall to Lunge: Start from a standing position and reach tall. Take a big step back and take the hands to either side of the front foot. Step back up and repeat other side.
Breast Stroke: Lying face down, lift elbows and shoulders. Reach forward and then around in a circle, coming back to the beginning position. Your chest stays lifted the entire time. Keep your neck in neutral alignment by looking at the mat. Feet do not lift.
Squat/Lunge/Squat/Lunge: Stand in a wide stance with toes pointing out. Keeping the shoulders back and torso straight, drop the hips to knee level, then turn into a lunge position, dropping the back knee down. Continue side to side.
Thread the Needle: Come into a side elbow plank by pressing up onto stacked feet with straight legs. Extend the upper arm and the reach it under your torso while lifting the hips. The hips lower back to neutral as the arm lifts back up.
Elbow Plank Twists: Get into an elbow plank position with shoulders over elbows, belly pulled to spine and hips in line with the body. Twist into a side elbow plank, taking the feet into a stacked position. Repeat on other side.
Triceps Dips: Sitting on the floor with bent knees and fingers facing toes, lift the hips. Bend both elbows and then return to straight.